Bambini Running Series

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Dresden against flooding

Fourth Morgenpost Dresden Marathon on 20 October 2002


The flooding of Dresden and the surrounding area in August 2002 caused enormous damages. These damages partially affected the preparation for the Fourth Morgenpost Dresden Marathon on 20 October 2002. The course was approximately ten percent underwater; now, however, it is cleared and clean. Similarly some of the Marathon’s sponsors suffered damages and had to cancel their contributions. The exceptional situation - the collapse of a great portion of the telephone network and the loss of contacts - brought about a minor delay in the preparation of the planned activities.

Fotos: K. Dahms

The organizing team of the Morgenpost Dresden Marathon ensures that the event will proceed according to the planned program. The course will run through the historic downtown area, again as planned. The extensive media coverage of the flood produced an impressive surge of solidarity and many inquiries throughout all of Germany. Many supporters of running from all over Germany have expressed the desire to give meaningful financial support to the competitors, who have suffered great losses. This is possible, as the Morgenpost Dresden Marathon event promoters will deposit donations into a specially organized account of the Elbe-Marathon Dresden, e.V (s. Homepage). Together with the Dresden Running Store the athletes most in need of assistance will be determined and donations will be assembled (e.g. also those donations from manufacturers of athletic equipment). Additionally, from the sales proceeds of the Fourth Morgenpost Dresden Marathon t-shirts, two Euros per shirt will be paid into the account. The entire donation procedure will proceed judiciously so that all contributions > come to the appropriate athletes without impediment. The final tally of the donations and the name of the athletes will be made known in the results booklet.

Participation in the Fourth Morgenpost Dresden Marathon can also provide helpful support for a quick return to normality following the flood. Of particular interest to many runners would be a chance to participate, for example at the Berlin Marathon 2002 on the 29th, in the completion of the half-Marathon or in the 10 km. course at the Fourth Morgenpost Dresden Marathon on 20 October 2002. Welcome to Dresden and have a great race! Peter Fleischer Dresden-Marathon


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