Bambini Running Series

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“Accomplishing Community“ – BERLIN-MARATHON is cooperating with Europes largest diaconate family, Bethel

The participants tossed off clothing at the start will be collected for Bethel


real,- BERLIN-MARATHON and the v. Bodelschwingschen Anstalten Bethel in Bielefeld, Europes largest diaconate facility, are planning to cooperate on a larger scale. In doing so, they hope to further the motto “Accomplishing Community“, which is also a significant goal of this institution for the disabled, in and through the sport of running.

The cooperation between BERLIN-MARATHON and the v. Bodelschwinghschen Anstalten began at the first German Ecumenical Meeting (Ökumenischen Kirchentag) at the end of this past May in Berlin, where the registration fee of the so-called Ecu-Run was in the form of a minimum donation for the sport and exercise work of Bethel. In this manner, a total of 1,111.11 € was collected. The partners in this cooperation hope that now the next ’magic number’ will be reached through further generous donations. Donations can be made to the account listed below using the keyword “Öku-Lauf Berlin”.

For over two decades, BERLIN-MARATHON has been collecting stamps from incoming mail, which then has been passed on to the so-called ‘stamp collection at Bethel. There they are sorted and then sold to collectors. For the first time at the 30th real,- BERLIN-MARATHON, staff from the v. Bodelschwinghschen Anstalten will be collecting the clothing left behind by skaters and runners at the start, to be brought to another workshop, the so-called “Brockensammlung“, for disabled people at Bethel. There they will also be sorted and prepared either for further wear or other use. It will also be possible to drop off clothing on the weekend of the 30th real,- BERLIN-MARATHON directly at the Bethel truck in the starting area on the Straße des 17. Juni. It is superfluous to say that there will be disabled people from Bethel who will also be starting at this years 30. real,- BERLIN- MARATHON, when it is time to “Accomplish Community“ …

Since the founding of the Bethel facility at the foot of the Teutoburg Forest in the Bielefeld city district of Gadderbaum through Pastor Friedrich von Bodelschwingh about 130 years ago, diverse forms of movement, play, and sport have been part of the therapeutic methods with which the disabled could lead as ‘normal a life as possible here. Since 1990, exercise and sport therapy under the leadership of Dr. Lutz Worms has been developed into a complex program, which includes soccer and swimming, as well as track and field athletics and trampoline. Special projects like golf for the mentally disabled and Judo for people with epilepsy are considered to be unique innovations in the area of sport therapy. Highlights of Bethels sport activity are the yearly “Bethel Athletics“ which take place every July, and participation in the international Special Olympics. The club Integra e.V. was created in order to be able to participate in competitive sporting events, and it also helps to permanently realise the goal of “Accomplishing Community“.

The v. Bodelschwinghschen Anstalten Bethel has facilities with about 15,000 spaces in 5 federal states for people who are disabled, in need of care, or socially disadvantaged. The main fields of work at Bethel are care for the disabled, senior citizens care, epilepsy, youth assistance, care for the homeless, psychiatry, work and rehabilitation, and providing medical care at hospitals for the acutely ill. Much of what Bethel does to improve the life situations of the people in their care is only possible thanks to support in the form of contributions of money and goods.

Further information about the v. Bodelschwinghschen Anstalten Bethel can be found on the internet at:

If you would like to support the work of Bethel with a contribution, you can make a donation to the following account: Account Nr. 4077 at Sparkasse Bielefeld (BLZ 480 501 61).


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