Bambini Running Series

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SCC EVENTS wishes everyone Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year 2022


SCC EVENTS wishes everyone Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year 2022

When the Krank family is trying to get their house looking festive at the last minute, when Kevin is left home alone while the family flies to France, and when the Grinch hatches his nasty plan, you know it is time to curl up on the couch with cookies and punch and enjoy some Christmas on TV. Now is the time to take it down a notch. Not only do your body and mind need some time off at the end of the year, but family and friends also need your attention. We athletes often forget about doing both of those things.

So, relax now and rest in the company of your loved ones. In this spirit, SCC EVENTS wishes you and your families a happy holiday and a healthy start to 2022.  




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